Having vehicles on your property presents a series of risks, not only to your facility and staff, but to the drivers as well. Accidents, theft, freight fraud, collateral damage to trucks, ships, and rail, plus the costly legal implications that follow can seriously affect your bottom line. For these risks, NASCENT offers you an opportunity. Our integrated gate systems “police” your grounds, in essence providing you with the information you need to reduce or eliminate risk.
Protect yourself from predatory customers who point the finger at your company for any damage to their carrier or self.

When a container passes through the NASCENT inspection portal, a series of cameras snap pictures of the vehicle and the container to record any existing dings, dents, or other damage to the exterior. The photos are clear as long as the vehicle is moving 25 mph or less. These hi-res images are sent instantly to the Terminal Operating Center and can be used as “evidence” that any existing issues were not caused by neglect at your facility. This is a quicker, safer and more reliable way to check for damages than by manual inspection.
Various methods can be used to positively identify drivers prior to granting access to your facility, dramatically reducing exposure to various freight fraud, such as double brokering. CDL and TWIC can be electronically imaged and compared to the live video image of the driver as an integrated part of the in and/or out gate workflows. Other verification such as proximity cards and barcodes can be scanned for an additional level of security. Via VoIP and live video streaming, clerks can talk to drivers first hand to eliminate any concerns of whether the driver should be allowed to enter the facility.

Our proprietary 3-D imaging technology can detect serious risks inside the container. For instance, it can find a false wall that hides smuggled goods or read the contents inside the container for inconsistent markings. It also finds items that were not on the bill of lading. All this is recorded automatically and relayed to the Operations Center for evaluation.
Our goal is to make sure nothing gets into your facility that isn’t accounted for or that poses a risk to your terminal.